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Daca medicul considera ca trebuie sa va vada si fizic (pentru o investigatie sau procedura) va spune unde si cand sa va programati.
Te rugam sa selectezi unul dintre serviciile oferite:
Timp de raspuns estimat: 1-2 zile lucratoare
Medicul va suna intre orele: 16-19
Zona consultatii: SECTOR 1, BUCURESTI
Experienta: 9 ani
Afectiuni tratate
Despre mine
Medic Specialist Ortopedie Traumatologie Medic Specialist Ortopedie ... Medic Specialist Ortopedie Traumatologie
Medic Specialist Ortopedie Pediatrica
Consultant Ortopedie Pediatrica - Spitalul de Copii, Southampton, UK
Mr Rad completed his undergraduate training at the medical school of Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania. Since qualifying, he gained experience in all areas of orthopaedic surgery in Romania and other European hospitals, and is fellowship trained in paediatric orthopaedics, at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London and Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital in Cardiff.
Mr Rad specialises in all aspects of children’s trauma and orthopaedic surgery, with special interest paediatric neuromuscular limb pathology, sports lower limb and deformity correction surgery.
He also maintains a teaching interest with the medical student body in Southampton Medical School and within the Wessex Deanery Specialist Registrar rotation. Mr Rad also acts as a recognised GMC Educational and Clinical Supervisor (ES/CS) within the local deanery. Current research includes surgical management outcomes of torsional malalignment syndrome and Neuromuscular pathology.
He is the acting British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery (BSCOS), Webadmin and Publicity Committee Chair but also at a European level, where he is acting Chair of the Website Committee in the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS).
He takes part in humanitarian missions and act as trustee for a UK based charitable organisation -Cerebral Palsy Sport UK.